美国银矿公司:科尔矿业公司 Coeur Mining Inc.(CDE)

摘要科尔矿业公司(科尔黛伦矿业公司)Coeur Mining, Inc.(NYSE:CDE)创立于1928年,前称Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation,于20...

科尔矿业公司Coeur Mining, Inc.(NYSE:CDE)创立于1928年,前称科尔黛伦矿业公司(或:科达伦矿业公司,Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation),于2013年5月改为现用名,总部位于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥,全职雇员2074人,主要在美国、墨西哥、玻利维亚、阿根廷、澳大利亚、厄瓜多尔、智利和新西兰从事白银和黄金矿产的持有、经营和开发,是全球最大银矿开采商之一。

文章源自美股之家 | 美股百科 | 港美股开户投资-https://www.mg21.com/cde.html

科尔矿业公司Coeur Mining(CDE)美股百科

Coeur Mining, Inc. 在美国、加拿大和墨西哥勘探贵金属。 该公司主要勘探金、银、锌和铅的资产。文章源自美股之家 | 美股百科 | 港美股开户投资-https://www.mg21.com/cde.html

Coeur Mining, Inc. 持有资产包括:文章源自美股之家 | 美股百科 | 港美股开户投资-https://www.mg21.com/cde.html

  • 位于墨西哥北部奇瓦瓦州的 Palmarejo 金银矿的 100% 权益,占地面积约为 67,296 英亩;
  • 位于内华达州西北部,占地约 43,441 英亩的Rochester银金矿;
  • 位于阿拉斯加Juneau北部Kensington金矿项目,占地 3,972 英亩;
  • 位于南达科他州西部Black Hills以北 Wharf 金矿,占地约 3,243 英亩;
  • 位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省北部的Silvertip 银锌铅,占地 97,298 英亩;
  • 此外,Coeur Mining公司还拥有位于内华达州南部的 Crown and Sterling 项目的权益; 以及位于墨西哥的 La Preciosa 项目。

Coeur Mining根据承购协议向第三方客户、冶炼厂销售和销售其精矿。文章源自美股之家 | 美股百科 | 港美股开户投资-https://www.mg21.com/cde.html

科尔矿业金锭销售给信誉良好的金条贸易公司、报价商以及伦敦贵金属交易协会成员、工业企业与财务组织;精炼金属售予终端用户,用于电子电路、珠宝、银器、制药与科技行业。文章源自美股之家 | 美股百科 | 港美股开户投资-https://www.mg21.com/cde.html

科尔矿业公司Coeur Mining(CDE)矿区——生产阶段

  1. 墨西哥Palmarejo——商业生产阶段,露天矿坑/地下金银矿,拥有100%权益,占地67,279英亩,2021年生产680万盎司银和10.9万盎司金,证明和可能储量6240万盎司银和884,000盎司金;测定和指示储量7370万盎司银和104.7万盎司金。
  2. 美国内华达州Rochester——商业生产阶段,露天金银矿,拥有100%权益,占地 43,441 英亩,2021年产量320万盎司银和27,051盎司金,证明和可能储量1.61亿盎司银和108万盎司金;测定和指示储量6950万盎司银和446,000盎司金。
  3. 美国阿拉斯加Kensington——商业生产阶段,地下金矿,拥有100%权益,占地 12,338 英亩,2021年产量121,140盎司黄金,证明和可能储量261,000盎司黄金;测定和指示储量983,000盎司金。
  4. 美国南达科他州Wharf——商业生产阶段,露天金矿(银作为副产品),拥有100%权益,占地7,852英亩,2021年产量为 91,136 盎司黄金。证明和可能储量852,000盎司黄金,测定和指示储量412,000盎司黄金。

科尔矿业公司Coeur Mining(CDE)矿区——开发&勘探阶段

1、加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省Silvertip银锌铅矿文章源自美股之家 | 美股百科 | 港美股开户投资-https://www.mg21.com/cde.html

勘探阶段,地下银锌铅矿,拥有100%权益,占地 104,854 英亩,2021年证明和可能储量1460万盎司银、2.96亿磅锌和1.93亿磅铅;测定和指示储量2630万盎司银、5.89亿磅锌和3.13亿磅铅。文章源自美股之家 | 美股百科 | 港美股开户投资-https://www.mg21.com/cde.html

2、内华达州Crown and Sterling金矿文章源自美股之家 | 美股百科 | 港美股开户投资-https://www.mg21.com/cde.html

勘探阶段,露天金矿,拥有100%权益,占地 37,254 英亩。文章源自美股之家 | 美股百科 | 港美股开户投资-https://www.mg21.com/cde.html

科尔矿业公司Coeur Mining(CDE)历史百科

  • 1928年,Coeur Mining创立,当时主要开采Coeur d'Alene Silver Mine、Coeur Mine、Galena Mine;
  • 1983年,Coeur收购Asarco在内华达州的Rochester Mine权益,1986年开始生产;
  • 1987年,Coeur Mining收购阿拉斯加Kensington Property的50%权益,1995年收购剩余的50%权益,于2010年开始生产;
  • 1990年,Coeur Mining从一家智利勘探公司手中收购Fachinal资产(Cerro Bayo Mine),于2010年出售给Mandalay Resources Corporation;
  • 1991年,Coeur收购Callahan Mining Corporation全部流通股份,收购包括Galena Mine以及软管和金属管制造商Flexaust Company,1995年,Coeur 出售 Flexaust;
  • 1993年,Coeur从Cyprus Gold New Zealand Limited收购新西兰地下和地表金矿——Golden Cross Mine的80%权益,1998年,该矿关闭;
  • 1994年,Coeur从Compania Minera El Bronce de Petorca手里收购智利地下金银矿——El Bronce Mine的权益和控制权,该矿一直运营到2001年,2002年,Coeur将其出售;
  • 1995年,Coeur 和 ASARCO将其位于爱达荷州北部的矿业资产(Coeur、Galena和Calday mines) 合并成立新公司——Silver Valley Resources Corporation,其中Coeur Mine于1998年关闭,Galena Mine于2006年关闭,同时,Coeur将其持有的Silver Valley Resources权益出售给U.S. Silver Corporation;
  • 1999年,Coeur从ASARCO手里收购玻利维亚银矿项目——San Bartolome Mine,于2008年投产;
  • 2002年,Coeur从Yamana Resources Inc.手里收购阿根廷地下银矿项目——Martha Mine,该矿于2012年9月关闭;
  • 2005年,Coeur收购澳大利亚Endeavor Mine(2000万盎司银储量)和Broken Hill Mine(1720万盎司银储量);
  • 2007年,Coeur从Bolnisi Gold NL 和 Palmarejo Silver and Gold Corporation手里收购Palmarejo银矿项目,该矿于2008年投产,目前在营;
  • 2013年,成立Coeur Capital, Inc.来持有特许权使用费和战略投资;
  • 2013年5月,公司名称由Coeur d'Alene Mines Corporation改为Coeur Mining, Inc.;
  • 2013 年 12 月,Coeur Mining收购了Global Royalty Corp,这是一家在墨西哥和厄瓜多尔拥有矿山特许权使用费的私人公司。作为收购的一部分,Global Royalty总裁兼首席执行官 Mark Kucher 加入 Coeur Capital 担任董事总经理;
  • 2016年,Coeur实现了3630万盎司白银当量(AgEqOz)的产量,超过了去年的纪录(3560万盎司白银当量)。 科尔矿业预计2017年的产量预计为1640万 - 1800万盎司的白银和362,000 - 387,000盎司的黄金,即:3810万 - 4120万盎司白银当量;
  • 2017 年 1 月 17 日,Coeur Mining, Inc.(CDE)和 Pan American Silver Corp.(PAAS)宣布,泛美白银将收购位于阿根廷的 Coeur Mining 的 Joaquin 项目 100% 权益;
  • 2017年9月12日,科尔矿业公司以2.5亿加元收购Silvertip矿;
  • 2017年12月22日,Coeur Mining, Inc.宣布已达成最终协议出售其全资子公司Empresa Minera Manquiri, S.A.,该子公司是位于玻利维亚波托西附近的 San Bartolomé 矿和加工设施的所有者和经营者,该子公司将出售给瑞典私营公司Argentum Investments, AB。San Bartolomé是一个露天银矿,占地9000英亩,2015年产量540万盎司白银;
  • 2022年3月21日,Coeur Mining, Inc.(CDE)宣布,已完成将位于墨西哥杜兰戈州的 La Preciosa 白银项目出售给 Avino Silver & Gold Mines Ltd.(ASM);
  • 2024年10月4日,Coeur Mining (NYSE:CDE) 表示同意以全股票交易方式收购加拿大矿业公司 SilverCrest Metals (SILV),交易价值约为 17 亿美元。SilverCrest (SILV) 股东将以每股 SilverCrest 普通股换取 1.6022 股 Coeur (CDE) 普通股,这意味着每股对价为 11.34 美元。

科尔矿业公司Coeur Mining(CDE)美股投资

文章源自美股之家 | 美股百科 | 港美股开户投资-https://www.mg21.com/cde.html
  • 本文由 美股之家原创 发表于 2016年1月31日
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        Dear Fellow Stockholders,
        2016 marked a key inflection point in Coeur’s strategic repositioning.
        We entered the year challenged by depressed gold and silver prices, a highly
        levered balance sheet, ambitious capital investment plans, and unfavorable
        capital markets conditions. With little margin for error, we successfully executed
        on our multi-year strategy to transform Coeur into a lower-cost, high-quality,
        profitable precious metals producer.
        Central to this strategy, we made significant progress on our high-return
        organic growth initiatives. At our Palmarejo silver-gold complex in Mexico,
        we completed the transition to 100% underground mining from two new,
        high-grade deposits – Guadalupe and Independencia. We plan to accelerate
        the mining rates at these deposits during 2017, which is expected to lead
        to silver and gold production increases of over 50% this year and, more
        importantly, significantly higher cash flow. At our Rochester mine in Nevada,
        we commenced construction of an expanded leach pad, which remains
        on-schedule and on-budget with expected completion in the third quarter. This
        project represents the culmination of several years of investment at Rochester
        to position our longest-running operation for strong, sustainable cash flow.
        At our Kensington gold mine in Alaska, we advanced development of the
        high-grade Jualin deposit and are on schedule to commence production
        from this important new ore source late this year. With Jualin contributing
        higher-grade ore, we expect Kensington to join Palmarejo and Rochester
        as sources of strong and sustained cash flows for the Company. Further
        supplementing the cash flow from these assets is the Wharf gold mine in
        South Dakota, which we acquired in February of 2015 for $99 million. In 2016
        alone, Wharf generated $58 million of free cash flow
        for the Company, which
        demonstrates the high rate of return on this acquisition.
        Concurrent with these development and portfolio enhancing efforts, we
        maintained strong operating discipline, resulting in record production levels and
        a continuation of our industry-leading cost reductions. Coupled with modest
        improvements to gold and silver prices, we generated positive net income of
        $55 million in 2016 and adjusted EBITDA
        of $215 million, an increase of
        nearly $90 million, or 68%, year-over-year.
        Mitchell J. Krebs,
        President & Chief Executive Officer
        (1) Free cash flow calculated as cash provided by operating activities less capital expenditures and gold production royalty payments.
        (2) See non-GAAP reconciliation tables in Item 7 of the Form 10-K included with this Annual Report.
        Coeur Mining
        2016 Annual Report
        This strong operational and financial performance also provided critical
        support as we delivered on our commitment to reduce leverage and strengthen
        our balance sheet. Over the course of 2016, we reduced debt by $280 million,
        or nearly 60%, resulting in significant expected annual interest savings and
        greater balance sheet flexibility.
        Over the past several months, our more conservative balance sheet has
        allowed us to allocate more capital to future growth initiatives, including
        an expansion of our exploration program. Following years of limited explora

        tion investment due to a declining metal price environment and a focus on
        repositioning our core assets, we increased our exploration budget in
        mid-2016 and expanded it further in early 2017, prioritizing high-return,
        near-mine exploration and mine life extensions.
        Our expanded exploration efforts have already started to yield results.
        Earlier this year, we reported a 40% increase in silver reserves and a 70%
        increase in gold reserves at our Rochester mine from targeted drilling that
        was completed during 2016. In 2017, the largest portion of our exploration
        budget is planned to be spent at Palmarejo, followed by Kensington and the La
        Preciosa exploration project located in Mexico. While ongoing drilling efforts
        will take time and analysis before translating into mineralized material and
        potential reserves, we believe there is significant exploration upside within our
        existing portfolio of assets.
        The past year also upheld the Company’s enduring commitment to health
        and safety, with lost-time and reportable incidents declining by 79% and
        68%, respectively, since 2010. Beyond these measures, we redefined
        our companywide vision for corporate stewardship and introduced greater
        structure to our investments in wellness and community partnership. As an
        employer of over 2,000 people across the Americas, Coeur recognizes the
        importance of demonstrating responsibility to each of its stakeholders.
        In 2017, gold and silver prices remain volatile and macroeconomic and
        geopolitical environments uncertain, yet we believe we are better positioned
        to face these challenges today than ever before in our Company’s history. This
        more resilient posture has been made possible by the hard work and thoughtful
        contributions of the team here at Coeur. Our employees’ dedication, strong work
        ethic, and ambition have reinvigorated our culture and invigorated our pursuit
        of a higher standard in all areas of our business. It remains a great honor to lead
        such a talented and driven team as the Company’s President and CEO as we
        continue to transform Coeur into the leader in precious metals mining. I’d also
        like to express my appreciation and gratitude to the Chairman of the Board for
        his support and leadership as well as to the Board of Directors for their guidance
        and encouragement, and – most importantly – to our investors whom we all
        proudly serve.
        Mitchell J. Krebs
        President & Chief Executive Officer

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          更新:Wharf is an Open pit gold mine located near Lead, South Dakota. Wharf is in the Black Hills mining district of South Dakota and has been in production for over 30 years, during which it has produced over 2.0m ounces of gold. CDE acquired Wharf in February 2015 from Goldcorp Inc. for cash consideration of $99.4m. Wharf produced 78,132 ounces of gold post acquisition in 2015.

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            更新:In April 2015, the company completed the acquisition of Paramount Gold and Silver Corp., and now owns 100% of Coeur San Miguel Corp., which owns the San Miguel project that is adjacent to Coeur’s Palmarejo property.

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              最新收购 With the acquisition of the Wharf mine from Goldcorp in 2015, cde has become a significant gold producer. Its operating mines are in the United States, Mexico, and Bolivia and with additional exploration projects in Mexico and Argentina.

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              :?: :razz: :sad: :evil: :!: :smile: :oops: :grin: :eek: :shock: :???: :cool: :lol: :mad: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :idea: :arrow: :neutral: :cry: :mrgreen:
